2024 Mountain West Conference Leaders Punting - Games vs. FBS (I-A) Teams Only through 12/30/2024

Name Team Yr Pos G Punts Yards Avg. Punts/G Yards/G
1 Tyler Pastula SDSU SR P 11 55 2565 46.64 5.0 233.2
2 Lucas Borrow Hawai'i SR P 10 39 1797 46.08 3.9 179.7
3 James Ferguson-Reynolds Boise St JR P 10 36 1605 44.58 3.6 160.5
4 Marshall Nichols UNLV JR P 13 53 2349 44.32 4.1 180.7
5 Trent Carrizosa SJSU SO P 12 43 1862 43.30 3.6 155.2
6 Stephen Kotsanlee Utah State SR P 11 44 1860 42.27 4.0 169.1
7 Clay Lawrence Fresno St FR P 12 53 2182 41.17 4.4 181.8
8 Jack Culbreath Wyoming SR P 11 61 2468 40.46 5.5 224.4
9 Guy Gillespie Nevada JR P 12 45 1817 40.38 3.8 151.4

Note: To qualify, player must have played in 75% of his team's games and have a minimum of 3.6 punts per game played.