2024 Conference USA Leaders Passing Offense - From Own 21 To 39 Yard Line through 01/20/2025

Name G Att Comp Pct. Yards TD Int Rating Long 1st 15+ 25+
1 Middle Tennessee 12 150 105 70.0 1308 3 2 147.18 71 52 30 12
2 Western Kentucky 14 146 100 68.5 1298 3 5 143.10 74 50 27 13
3 Sam Houston State 13 118 84 71.2 923 2 0 142.48 67 45 15 5
4 Louisiana Tech 13 134 80 59.7 964 2 2 122.07 75 44 21 8
5 Jacksonville State 14 119 75 63.0 964 1 1 132.17 75 43 24 7
6 UTEP 12 149 95 63.8 992 1 2 119.22 76 41 16 10
7 Florida International 12 131 75 57.3 925 1 6 109.92 62 40 22 7
8 New Mexico State 12 97 46 47.4 574 1 6 88.16 64 29 11 5
9 Liberty 12 91 47 51.6 736 1 4 114.43 70 26 20 7
10 Kennesaw State 12 119 68 57.1 575 0 2 94.37 51 24 11 3
1st: First Downs; 15+: Pass completions of 15 or more yards; 25+: Pass completions of 25 or more yards