2024 Conference USA Leaders Passing - In Overtime through 01/20/2025

Name Team Yr Pos G Att Comp Pct. Yards TD Int Rating Long 1st 15+ 25+
1 Skyler Locklear UTEP SO QB 2 9 7 77.8 71 2 0 217.38 23 3 2 0
2 Tyler Huff J'ville St SR QB 1 4 3 75.0 39 0 0 156.90 20 0 1 0
3 Davis Bryson KSU SO QB 2 5 2 40.0 33 1 0 161.44 25 1 1 1
1st: First Downs; 15+: Pass completions of 15 or more yards; 25+: Pass completions of 25 or more yards

Note: To qualify, player must have and have a minimum of 4.0 pass attempts in overtime.