2023 Independent Leaders Passing - Games on the Road/Neutral Site Only through 01/08/2024

Name Team Yr Pos G Att Comp Pct. Yards Yards/Att TD Int Rating Att/G Yards/G
1 Sam Hartman Notre Dame SR QB 6 159 92 57.9 1299 8.2 12 6 143.85 26.5 216.5
2 Ta'Quan Roberson UConn JR QB 6 177 105 59.3 1160 6.6 4 4 117.31 29.5 193.3
3 Taisun Phommachanh U Mass JR QB 5 108 63 58.3 632 5.9 1 3 104.99 21.6 126.4

Note: To qualify, player must have played in 75% of his team's games and have a minimum of 15.0 pass attempts per game played.