2023 Independent Leaders Passing - Games in November Only through 01/08/2024

Name Team Yr Pos G Att Comp Pct. Yards Yards/Att TD Int Rating Att/G Yards/G
1 Sam Hartman Notre Dame SR QB 3 73 42 57.5 563 7.7 6 3 141.21 24.3 187.7
2 Taisun Phommachanh U Mass JR QB 3 88 49 55.7 573 6.5 3 3 114.80 29.3 191.0
3 Ta'Quan Roberson UConn JR QB 4 139 82 59.0 800 5.8 4 3 112.51 34.8 200.0

Note: To qualify, player must have played in 75% of his team's games and have a minimum of 15.0 pass attempts per game played.