2024 Conference USA Leaders Passing Offense - In The 2nd Half/Overtime through 01/20/2025

Name G Att Comp Pct. Yards TD Int Rating Long 1st 15+ 25+
1 Middle Tennessee 12 228 151 66.2 1641 8 5 133.87 71 77 38 14
2 Western Kentucky 14 195 124 63.6 1631 11 4 148.37 74 65 41 16
3 Louisiana Tech 13 214 132 61.7 1470 7 4 126.43 75 64 36 13
4 UTEP 12 177 114 64.4 1321 8 5 136.37 69 53 26 15
5 Florida International 12 162 98 60.5 1318 9 7 138.52 62 50 34 15
6 Jacksonville State 14 134 77 57.5 1246 7 3 148.33 92 42 31 14
7 Liberty 12 149 86 57.7 1137 9 3 137.72 50 55 29 10
8 New Mexico State 12 161 77 47.8 1017 7 6 107.79 50 50 27 11
9 Sam Houston State 13 167 106 63.5 975 6 4 119.58 55 45 18 6
10 Kennesaw State 12 163 87 53.4 910 4 9 97.33 60 39 21 7
1st: First Downs; 15+: Pass completions of 15 or more yards; 25+: Pass completions of 25 or more yards