2024 Conference USA Leaders Passing Offense - In The 1st Half through 01/20/2025

Name G Att Comp Pct. Yards TD Int Rating Long 1st 15+ 25+
1 Louisiana Tech 13 199 124 62.3 1438 11 4 137.23 86 62 32 11
1 Florida International 12 172 108 62.8 1435 15 4 157.00 52 69 38 13
1 Jacksonville State 14 180 112 62.2 1420 7 4 136.88 75 64 35 15
1 Liberty 12 140 71 50.7 877 7 4 114.12 70 35 20 5
5 Middle Tennessee 12 200 122 61.0 1492 8 5 131.86 69 59 36 14
5 Sam Houston State 13 183 111 60.7 1211 9 5 127.01 67 58 23 9
5 Kennesaw State 12 134 69 51.5 726 2 5 94.47 51 31 17 8
8 New Mexico State 12 159 64 40.3 701 5 6 80.12 64 36 13 5
9 UTEP 12 188 109 58.0 1079 7 7 111.03 76 42 20 11
10 Western Kentucky 14 275 185 67.3 2074 17 8 145.20 64 96 46 20
1st: First Downs; 15+: Pass completions of 15 or more yards; 25+: Pass completions of 25 or more yards