2024 Conference USA Leaders Passing Defense - From Opponent's 1 To 20 Yard Line through 01/20/2025

Name G Att Comp Pct. Yards TD Int Rating Long 1st 15+ 25+
1 Liberty 8 18 10 55.6 113 0 1 97.19 32 4 3 1
2 Florida International 11 27 13 48.1 115 0 2 69.12 27 7 2 1
3 UTEP 11 26 18 69.2 185 0 1 121.31 32 10 3 2
4 New Mexico State 7 23 16 69.6 200 0 0 142.62 43 5 5 2
5 Kennesaw State 9 36 26 72.2 222 0 1 118.46 45 6 3 1
6 Sam Houston State 12 40 26 65.0 247 0 1 111.87 53 11 3 2
7 Western Kentucky 14 30 17 56.7 292 1 0 149.43 84 11 5 3
8 Louisiana Tech 10 38 26 68.4 296 0 0 133.85 29 14 8 1
9 Middle Tennessee 11 34 25 73.5 337 0 0 156.79 37 13 10 5
10 Jacksonville State 11 27 17 63.0 377 1 2 177.66 86 13 10 5
1st: First Downs; 15+: Pass completions of 15 or more yards; 25+: Pass completions of 25 or more yards