2024 Conference USA Leaders Punting - Games vs. FBS Power 5 Conference Teams Only through 01/20/2025

Name Team Yr Pos G Punts Yards Avg. Punts/G Yards/G
1 Jack Dawson J'ville St SR P 1 7 282 40.29 7.0 282.0
2 Cole Maynard Western Ky JR P 2 11 508 46.18 5.5 254.0
3 George Eberle NMSU SR P 1 6 252 42.00 6.0 252.0
4 Patrick Rea La Tech SO P 2 12 457 38.08 6.0 228.5
5 Daton Montiel FIU SR K 1 5 228 45.60 5.0 228.0
6 Grant Chadwick MTSU FR P 2 9 403 44.78 4.5 201.5
7 Jadon Cardell Sam Hou St JR K 1 6 170 28.33 6.0 170.0
8 Adam Jacklin UTEP FR P 2 8 303 37.88 4.0 151.5
9 Joe Bowman UTEP JR K 2 3 78 26.00 1.5 39.0
10 Skyler Locklear UTEP SO QB 2 1 39 39.00 0.5 19.5

Note: To qualify, player must have played in 75% of his team's games.