2019 Big Ten Conference Leaders Punting - Games in October Only through 01/13/2020

Name Team Yr Pos G Punts Yards Avg. Punts/G Yards/G
1 Drue Chrisman Ohio State JR P 3 12 557 46.42 4.0 185.7
2 Blake Hayes Illinois JR P 4 27 1205 44.63 6.8 301.3
3 Will Hart Michigan SR P 4 22 976 44.36 5.5 244.0
4 Adam Korsak Rutgers JR P 4 24 1050 43.75 6.0 262.5
5 Blake Gillikin Penn State SR P 4 28 1197 42.75 7.0 299.3
6 Haydon Whitehead Indiana SR P 3 12 489 40.75 4.0 163.0
7 Jake Hartbarger Mich St SR P 3 23 933 40.57 7.7 311.0
8 Anthony Lotti Wisconsin SR P 3 13 525 40.38 4.3 175.0
9 Michael Sleep-Dalton Iowa SR P 4 22 883 40.14 5.5 220.8
10 Isaac Armstrong Nebraska SR P 3 18 710 39.44 6.0 236.7
11 Zac Collins Purdue SO P 4 22 860 39.09 5.5 215.0
12 Daniel Kubiuk N'western SR P 3 17 622 36.59 5.7 207.3

Note: To qualify, player must have played in 75% of his team's games and have a minimum of 3.6 punts per game played.